The Rollup

Welcome to The Rollup!

🌞 gm and welcome to the very first edition of The Rollup 📜 - your resource for building the future of privacy.

If you’re a developer, engineer, cryptographer, or other builder of privacy solutions, this newsletter is curated and written with you in mind. Our vision for The Rollup is to share:

  • News and great reads/listens from across ZK

  • Inspirational stories of your fellow builders behind the tech

  • Opportunities to join projects moving privacy forward

Now that we have the housekeeping out of the way, let’s dive into The Rollup!

đź“° ZK news, reads, & listens

đź“ś  The story all rolled up

As we know, zero-knowledge cryptography is a groundbreaking new technology enabling privacy, interoperability, and scalability for web3 protocols and applications.

Mid-last year, more than 30 web2 and web3 companies recognized the potential of this technology to transform the Internet. They joined forces to launch the ZPrize competition to accelerate the progression of ZK technology, with an emphasis on the hardware needed to power it.

Nearly two dozen projects around the world competed for over $7 million in total prize winnings over the last six months.

Well, the results are in and they’ve exceeded expectations.

The average improvement from baseline was more than 5x. And most importantly, every submission will be open-sourced for the benefit of all.

Read the full competition results on the ZPrize blog.

Check out ZPrize founder Alex Pruden’s Twitter thread looking back at ZPrize 2022:

What’s next?

  • Follow @z_prize to keep up with the teams who competed in ZPrize 2022.

  • Join the ZPrize 2022 celebration event at ETHDenver on March 1 (details to follow).

✨ zkInspo

Read the full Twitter thread here.

🏗️ Build web3 Privacy:

đź“ś The Rollup is brought to you by ZPrize: a collaborative effort across the blockchain industry dedicated to accelerating zero-knowledge cryptography.

You can expect to hear from us twice per month. In the meantime, connect with other builders in Discord.

If you enjoyed The Rollup, subscribe and share below 👇

Yours in Privacy,

Team ZPrize