• The Rollup
  • Posts
  • Wormhole forges ZK-focused partnership with AMD — and more from recent ZK news.

Wormhole forges ZK-focused partnership with AMD — and more from recent ZK news.

Dive into The Rollup and catch up on recent highlights from across the ZK ecosystem.

Gm ZK enthusiasts 📩,

Another week, another bustling roundup of ZK news and developments. Let’s cut to the chase and dive right in — here’s the latest in all things ZK across the ecosystem!

In this week’s edition of The Rollup:

  • 🗞️ The latest in ZK news

  • 🧵 ZK in the Twitterverse

  • 🌄 ZK at ETHDenver

  • 🏗️ Opportunities to build the future of privacy

📰 ZK in the news

🧵 ZK in the Twitterverse

💸 More funding, more ZK scaling solutions — The Ethereum Foundation just announced a grant program dedicated to ZK-based L2 scaling solutions. The first round of grants was announced in collaboration with Aztec, Polygon, Scroll, Taiko, and zkSync, and this initiative is expected to accelerate the development of new, industry-wide ZK standards.

🔥Hot off the (Twitter) press — Cronos releases the v1 litepaper for Cronos zkEVM L2, including previously undisclosed details on its liquidity sharing model, yield-generating capabilities, and native account abstraction features. Soak it all in before the June 2024 mainnet launch!

👀 Bitcoin for DeFi? — Citrea announces $2.7m seed round to build Bitcoin's first ZK rollup. With this, Citrea is aiming to be the first L2 that uses Bitcoin as a data availability layer and settlement layer – all within a flexible, EVM-equivalent execution environment.

🌄 ZK at ETHDenver

If you’re at ETHDenver this week, join in the action at Aleo's zkHouse – an interactive three-day experience for zero-knowledge enthusiasts of all levels!

Pro tip: If you want the full scoop on the latest in ZK cryptography research, hardware, and app development, you should definitely check out zkTalks.

Here are some other ZK-focused events that’ll be popping off at ETHDenver:

🏗️ Build web3 privacy

Be sure to check out ZPrize Hub: your all-inclusive resource for opportunities to join the ZPrize DAO and build the future of the ZPrize competition.

📜 The Rollup is brought to you by ZPrize: a collaborative effort across the blockchain industry dedicated to accelerating zero-knowledge cryptography.

You can expect to hear from us twice per month. In the meantime, connect with other builders in Discord.

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Yours in Privacy,
Team ZPrize