ZPrize Competitors

Dear ZPrize 2023 Competitors,

We hope this message finds you in high spirits and ready for an exciting journey into the world of open-source ZK cryptography! We're thrilled to welcome you to the second rendition of the ZPrize competition, building on the tremendous success of last year. With your participation, we're expecting even more monumental achievements this time around.

Competition timeline

  • 15th September 2023: Competition kickoff

    • Registered participants will receive prize specifications and test harness

  • 15th September 2023 - February 2024: Competition period

    • Monthly office hours will be conducted during the competition period for Competitors to seek guidance from Architects of each prize category

  • February 2024: Judging period

  • March 2024: Announce winners

  • March 2024: Winner showcase at The Future is Private Summit at EthDenver

Join the Discord Community

First and foremost, all communications and collaboration for ZPrize 2023 will take place on our dedicated Discord server. Join the conversation, and stay connected with your fellow competitors by clicking on this invite link: ZPrize Discord.

All other relevant information can be found on the ZPrize notion page here.

Meet Your Architects

Our competition is guided by talented Architects, each responsible for a specific prize category. They are here to support you, answer your technical queries, and provide guidance throughout the competition:

  • Prize 1 - "Beat the Best" (FPGA/GPU)

    • Architect: Leo Fan, co-founder at Cysic

    • Discord Handle: @leofan3215

  • Prize 2 - "Beat the Best" (WASM)

    • Architect: Evan, CTO at Demox Labs

    • Discord Handle: @evanm

  • Prize 3 - High Throughput Signature Verification

    • Architect: David Wong, co-founder at zkSecurity

    • Discord Handle: @cryptodavidw

Who to Contact

For any technical questions related to your specific prize category, please reach out directly to your respective Architect. They are eager to assist you with your inquiries. If you have operational or general questions about the competition, don't hesitate to contact @rothschad in the Discord server. He's here to ensure everything runs smoothly and answer any non-technical queries.

Accessing Competition Assets

Here are the test harnesses for each prize category:

  • Prize 1 - "Beat the Best" (FPGA/GPU)

  • Prize 2 - "Beat the Best" (WASM)

  • Prize 3 - High Throughput Signature Verification

    • Test Harness: (More info to come)

We're excited to see the incredible solutions and innovations you'll bring to ZPrize 2023. This competition is your chance to shine and make a lasting impact on the world of open source ZK cryptography.

Let's embark on this journey together and make ZPrize 2023 an unforgettable experience. Best of luck to all participants, and may the most creative and innovative minds prevail!